Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today's Mood Is...

Sometimes the picture pretty much says it all. But if you must know, it is in reaction to THIS.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Today's Mood Is...

I got 2 turntables and a cat at home!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today's Mood Is...

So Nurse McConaughey stopped by today, as he does every day (his real name is Adam, but on his first visit he actually said "all right all right" in response to my answer to one of his questions, and his fate was sealed). This morning the wound vacuum arrived. This thing is now attached to my foot, on top of the hole which is where my toe used to be. It applies negative pressure, sucking out any fluid / drainage and causing the wound to close up from the bottom up, encouraging new, healthy tissue growth. At least, that is how Cowabunga McBongo Nurse explained it to me. Also (judging it from his reaction when he opened the box and saw the brand / unit and his subsequent chatter whilst he unpacked my device) it is a top of the line, most respected and fasted working wound vacuum out of the multitude of options available (not being a connoisseur of wound vacuums I will take him at his word).

The whole thing is more than a little off-putting, to tell you the truth. I am glad for anything that makes all of this go away faster (30-40% faster according to Surfer Nurse), and gets me closer to getting the skin graft that will close this chapter of my life (and this extraneous hole on my body), but listening to this thing going is annoying, and...


...watching the fluid run through the hose is not leading me to want to run to the kitchen for din-din.

I am trying to keep myself in as good of spirits as possible. I am really looking forward to Drop Three rehearsal this Saturday, as it will be the first "normal" thing I have done in quite a long time. And there is a Ravens playoff game Saturday night, so that should make for a fun day (and hopefully evening). Hopefully I will be able to grasp the concept of dinner before I have to take my meds again (the meds on an empty stomach = bad moons rising). Cross your fingers, y'all.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Today's Mood Is...

So, this is my last night with 10 toes.

The latest health rigamarole is an infection I got in my foot that has apparently spread into the bone of my left big toe. After 3 hospital stays in 2 different hospitals (for my MD peeps, if you have to go to a hospital for anything other than an outpatient procedure, I am going to recommend Mercy over UMMC, if only for the food. The food at Mercy was actually pretty darn decent, and they even give you real plates and silverware! Those Sisters of Mercy know how to treat an invalid!), and one surgery already, I am now going in to lose about 4 ounces of weight the easy way. While unconscious!

I am okay with the whole thing, really. And to tell you the truth, I am kind of surprised at how unbothered I am by the whole thing. Wifey is making me my last meal as a whole person. She is making me wings and fries, and we might order cheesesteaks. Of course, since I am not going to be in any mood to cook this weekend (and even though my Mom is bringing over some homemade soup!!!), maybe we will hold off on the cheesesteaks for Saturday or Sunday (NFL playoffs ALL WEEKEND!!).

After this, the next step will be physical therapy so I can re-learn how to walk once I am no longer whole. And then, I begin training for the marathon.

The marathon of the Golden Corral chow line on bacon wrapped steak night.