Monday, November 27, 2006

All the cool kids are doing it...

Like most people, I was pretty disgusted at the Michael Richards tirade last week. Just in case you HAVEN'T seen it or heard about it (and if so, where the hell have you been?), go HERE and check it out. We will all wait for you? We promise. Without delving too deeply into the uses of the word "nigger" (yup, I am going to type out the whole thing. To me, saying "The N Word" is stupid. There are too many "N" words. Besides, it sounds like a program you might find on Showtime), and why it is in fact okay for use sometimes and by some people (I don't quite grok that. It makes the word the "Y" of the English language. "Sometimes Y, and sometimes nigger". Of course, this being Monday a lot of things are harder to understand). But my friends I am here for a much more specific reason, and that is he comments he made while making another public apology. This was number 3 of about 500 that he will do. And this one was on Jesse Jackson's radio program. While he was making his appearance, he said this...

Richards noted that the racial epithet he used is frequent in the entertainment industry, and acknowledged that it could have consequences.

"I fear that young whites will think it's cool to go around and use that word because they see very cool people in the show business using that word so freely," he said. "Perhaps that's what came through in that ... the vernacular is so accessible."

THAT might just be the scariest thought of them all. That somewhere in the world, there are some young whites that think that Michael Richards is a very cool person in the show business. If there are people THAT naive and moronic, this world is indeed doomed.

BTW - quick thought to chew on...Why is this outburst not getting the same kind of pariah status for Richards that the comment on Jews got Mel Gibson? Is Richards' slur less hurtful? Was Richards not drunk, so it must have been manufactured to shock and awe, not come from that "vino veritae" that Gibson was nailed with? I never did anything on the whole Mel Gibson thing. I still need to touch in on that.

But it will have to wait for another time. I need to go do what the very cool people in the show business are doing. I can't wait to start my new "Botox and Anorexia" diet.


1 comment:

  1. maybe this should go on the another damn sports blog but it seemed fitting here too (yes i know Irvin has published an apology too saying he was joking a la locker room style humor)
