Monday, December 15, 2008

Today's Mood Is...

Cue Aerosmith song in 3...2...1...


  1. which song? "Get the lead out"? "Get it up"? "Back in the saddle"? or "Don't get mad, get even"?

  2. Sweet Emotion. That line is in the song.

  3. doh, I can't remember the lyrics to that song. my only memories of it are shooting CD's at a video screen :(

  4. Remember when we made the plastic guns SMOKE because all we did was hold down the trigger and keep adding free credits and going into every corner of the game to find every hidden bonus? I thought you might lose your job because I honestly thought we were going to melt the machine right there.

  5. Ahh... the good ol' days! The only thing we couldn't add more of were whatever it used for grenades which would've been fun and a whole lot quicker to finish. If it weren't for the xbox and those meddling kids I'd open my own arcade!

    Word Verification word of the day: Hovesky - Russian for upscale prostitute. Brought to you by the dept of redundancy dept.
