Monday, October 10, 2005

Weekend Update

It is just past 10:30 am on Monday, and I really need to get to work, seeing as I AM at work right now. But I am tired and just not in the mood to crunch numbers right now. So I figured I would post again while the whole blog thing is still new and "exciting" to me.

Went to the friend's birthday party on Friday. Drove through Noah level flood waters to do it. It was okay. I know the birthday girl because she is my wife's friend, and so I knew very few people there. There was this very friendly older gentleman (bald head, glasses and hawaiian shirt. A look I cannot pull off no matte how hard I try). He found out I have friends from Maine, and within 30 seconds of conversation he offered me the opportunity to join him in his car for some non-tobacco smoking. I guess that is ONE way to make friends and influence people. I didn't know I came off as quite that herbal.

Saturday was the comedy show for the troupe I am in and ANOTHER friend's birthday party in a bar (personally I think my crowd is getting too old to be going to Federal Hill and bar-hopping until last call. I know I am too old and cranky to deal with a throng of 22 year olds singing along to Sweet Caroline. Off-key. You are 22 and have no way to have an appreciation of the genius that is Neil Diamond. Until you can have an honest debate between the merits of Cherry Cherry versus the need for a commercial success that spawned Turn on Your Heartlight, you should not be allowed to bellow "BUM-BUM-BUM" at the top of your lungs while spilling your Michelob Ultra on my shoes). Thank God Dave was there to talk to.

And how did the show go, I hear you asking? I am so glad you asked. It went pretty well overall. I would give the show a B-, myself a C+. It was the first show with the new cast members (at least some of them), and it was a little ragged. I would get into more in depth nalysis of the show and my performance in particular, but none of you give a shit about that. So unless you beg me (and as of right now I do not believe anybody has even noticed the existence of my little exercise in the egotistic thought that anybody would give two craps about my opinions and my life, so I don't think there will be any begging anytime soon), it ain't gonna happen.

Sunday brought the Raven's game. And at about the end of the 3rd quarter, a movie because I just couldn't watch anymore. I am in no way a fair weather fan. I still support my teams. I haven't abandoned the Orioles or the Cubs or Nebraska Football, and I am not going to abandon the Ravens. But even with that, what a HORRIBLE game! I can't even get into the debacle that was Ravens-Lions. So I won't.

All in all, I would have to say that this entry sucked. I will hopefully do better next time.

But I wouldn't count on it.

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